Known actor Manchu Vishnu who has been avoiding cinemas of late is good to go to stamp his rebound with his up and coming film 'Mosagallu'. Touted to be a Hollywood Indian film, Kajal Aggarwal is playing the female lead in the film. There is a positive buzz on the film now. According to the most recent reports, the creators have raised a colossal IT office set of 3.5 crores in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. We definitely realize that the film will spin around the greatest IT trick in India. The shooting of the film will happen in Los Angeles just as Hyderabad. In any case, because of the 21 days lockdown due to the Coronavirus episode, the producers have stopped the shooting of the film.
Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty is likewise assuming a pivotal job right now. It appears as though most of the shooting is finished and just some significant IT office scenes are yet to get canned. In any case, due to the lockdown, the creators have dropped the shooting.
The makers have as of late affirmed the equivalent and declared that they have delayed the shooting calendar to adhere to oneself isolate rules. The shooting will go on the roll simply after the lockdown gets finished. Meanwhile, Vishnu is caught up with setting up a lot of fascinating movies for his future at this point. The actor will be setting up two or three movies just as web arrangement ventures. Vishnu may declare three to four ventures soon.
Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty is likewise assuming a pivotal job right now. It appears as though most of the shooting is finished and just some significant IT office scenes are yet to get canned. In any case, due to the lockdown, the creators have dropped the shooting.
The makers have as of late affirmed the equivalent and declared that they have delayed the shooting calendar to adhere to oneself isolate rules. The shooting will go on the roll simply after the lockdown gets finished. Meanwhile, Vishnu is caught up with setting up a lot of fascinating movies for his future at this point. The actor will be setting up two or three movies just as web arrangement ventures. Vishnu may declare three to four ventures soon.