The celebration of hues is here, and much like each year, Bollywood VIPs took to web based life to wish their fans – Happy Holi. While numerous Bollywood big names incorporating Priyanka Chopra with spouse Nick Jonas, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Rajkummar Rao and a couple of others observed Holi a couple of days ahead of schedule at Isha Ambani's slam, there were other people who shared their desires via web-based networking media. Deepika Padukone shared a video on TikTok as she wished her fans a Happy Holi. Akshay Kumar shared on Twitter, "Cheerful Holi everybody! Play safe, remain safe." Anil Kapoor shared on twitter, "May your day and year be loaded up with all the brilliant shades of shading! Wishing all of you an extremely Happy Holi!." Kiara Advani, Nick Jonas, Ali Abbas Zafar additionally shared all the best on Holi.
Shilpa Shetty shared, "May these delightful hues bring huge amounts of bliss and love into your lives ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💖 Wishing all of you a dynamic and upbeat Holi! ✨🌈🥳 With appreciation."